Source: Author


Saloni Jain


The foundation of practically every application we build and every project we work on is made up of data structures and algorithms. DSA is used in interviews for developers to measure candidates’ deductive reasoning and problem-solving abilities. There has been a significant increase in the number of websites offering competitive programming classes and DSA offerings in recent years. Learn more about DSA and its significance before we go into understanding the plan.

Let’s look at some examples of how DSA is utilized in everyday life:

“Feeds” from social networks must be stored. Because you don’t know the size, it could be necessary to dynamically add items — Hash table or Linked list

A word processor is required to save undo/redo activities — Stack

You must assess an expression — A tree or a stack

You must keep track of your friendships on a social networking website. Who is buddies with whom, for example — Graph

An image with a resolution of 1000 by 1000 pixels must be saved as a bitmap. — Java’s Array List or a 2D array

to save a group of preset keywords that are regularly used — Hash tables or dynamic programming

to keep track of customer order data at a drive-through burger joint. (Customers continue to arrive, and they must obtain the proper meal at the payment/collection window.) — Waitlist or Min Priority Queue

to keep track of biological organisms’ family histories — Tree


These are just a few, but the fact that data is all around us necessitates the use of data structures and algorithms in order to manage it effectively.


1. Selection of a language

Only you can determine which programming language is best for you. The most popular options are C, C++, Python, or Java. They all have their share of advantages and disadvantages. You can decide which programming language best meets your needs.

2. Starting with the Basic concepts.

You need a wonderful basement for a fantastic building. Make sure you comprehend recursion, pointers, classes, structures, and dynamic memory allocation. Learn about the notations and how to determine the time and space complexities of algorithms.

It’s not as difficult as it first appears to be to learn and master these. Instead of mugging up the code as it is, you need to improve your logic.

Follow these 3 steps to improve your foundational skills:
1. Understand (Attempt to comprehend the presented question, its input, and its output.)
2. Visualize (Using a pen and paper, sketch down the logic behind the problem.)
3. Code

3. Learning different algorithms

Source: eduCBA

These are few algorithms and you can built some of your own to solve a particular problem:

  • Graph algorithms
  • Dynamic programming
  • Searching and Sorting
  • Number theory and Other Mathematical
  • Geometrical and Network Flow Algorithms
  • Data Structures

4. Creating efficient code

Source: Author

Apply your understanding of time and space complexity to the algorithm. Code efficiency is to minimize risk to the business or operating environment while minimizing resource consumption and completion time. The effectiveness of the employed code can be used to access and evaluate the quality of the software product.

5. Practice Practice Practice………

In order to retain what we have learned, we must keep practicing and solving problems related to each subject. and the secret to success is consistency. Try to solve at least five to six issues each day without failing. You may practice coding on a number of websites, including HACKERRANK, GEEKSFORGEEKS, CODECHEF, CODEFORCES, LEETCODE etc.

Follow these steps and be consistent and you may master DSA, happy learning📖



Saloni Jain

I am a developer and a creator💻. Looking for empty spaces and filling them with creativity🌸