Problems faced by women in a STEM field.

Saloni Jain
2 min readMay 4, 2021

I still remember when my math teacher asked me “Why are you wasting money studying science? In the end you are going to get married and have kids”. I couldn’t believe my ears. I wasn’t able to hold my anger so I just took a deep breath and then walked away.

source: Google

Females in the STEM field are in the minority which gives critics to make a weird assumption on me. They preach that I should be confident and outspoken which implies that somewhere in their consciousness they think females are fragile. I am quite obnoxious due to these remarks. Also female in tech are referred to as “women or girl engineers” why can’t we just be addressed as engineers instead of the prefix “women or girl”

Recent studies show that technology and computers have always been the domain of men, giving them physiological push which gives them confidence and opportunity to get more familiar with technology leaving females behind. Females in the STEM field also face a lot of challenges due to gender disparities leading to more women not opting for engineering or STEM as their career. Studies show that lack of support, having no role models to look up to, low pay, sexism in the workplace, lack of diversity within the company, self-doubt (imposter syndrome), balancing of professional and personal life has led to more declination of women in STEM.

source: Google

All the existing ideas tackling the issues of challenges faced by women in tech are addressed at the college/university level. By then it’s too late one needs to design an outreach program that targets girls at the mid-school level that sets them on the academic track as well as boosts their confidence in pursuing STEM. I’m making my attempts to tackle this problem myself. Rather than self-doubting myself, I’m trying to embrace my knowledge and creativity. I’m joining organizations to understand and collaborate with the successful female personality to motivate me by narrating their life experiences and help me out of the stereotypes as well as contributing to the community. I’m hoping for a world where no girl or women would be questioned or mocked upon for taking up STEM as their career. A world where science and technology will be led by people on the basics of talent and creativity rather than a particular gender.



Saloni Jain

I am a developer and a creator💻. Looking for empty spaces and filling them with creativity🌸